Why Real Estate?

“Making a lot of money and achieving financial stability would mean different possibilities for different people.   Some would think financial stability meant they could go to the beach for the rest of their life. Some would spend more time with their kids, or grandkids.  Some might not change much about their life at all.  

But some people might choose to do something really great.  Something that makes the world a better place.  

If you could achieve being in a position of total financial stability, would you do something great with your life?  

For me, it was choosing to be highly involved in non-profit activities. I believe that my church, and its outreach programs, are helping change the world for the better.  Real estate investing helped me get into a position where I could work on these programs full time.  That makes me happy, and it makes a lot of other people in the world better off.  That’s why I do real estate. 

Real Estate investments put me in a position of having the power to make a better world.  And I wholeheartedly believe that this desire to make a better world has been a driving force in what has brought about the success I’ve had. I had a purpose to attain financial security.  I had a reason that was important to me.

So yes, I am inviting you - if you’ve never been involved in real estate, and you are looking at all of the possibilities of what it can do for you - to also take a look at what purpose in your life it might fulfill, if you were successful.  Let this be a driving force for your success.   

And then let’s all get stability and wealth with real estate and make this a better world.  It's pretty easy to see that the world needs some help.  

This blog will help you understand the basics of real estate and how you can leverage it to its full potential.”

- Jeremy Arezzini, Co-Owner & Broker of HomeBase Real Estate Group

Jeremy Arezzini Jeremy Arezzini

Leverage and Real Estate

What is leverage? And why is leverage in real estate able to propel you to wealth so much faster than other forms of investing.

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Jeremy Arezzini Jeremy Arezzini

100k does not equal 100k

As a self employed worker or an employee, you are working harder, paying more taxes, and probably not building up very much wealth…

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